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HYUNDAI ix20 Benzina

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Dati annuncio : HYUNDAI ix20 Benzina 2011 Used, Pisa
[HYUNDAI ix20 1.4 90 CV Comfort San Giuliano Terme PI venduta da Automec srl, 6300]
- ProposalI offer
- ContractSale
- Price-
- Year2011
- BrandHyundai
- TemplateIx20
- SupplyBenzina
- Kilometres120000
- Displacement1396
- Horses89
- Kilowatt66
- Doors5
- ExchangeManuale
- ColorGrigio.argento
- ProvincePisa
- CommonSan giuliano terme
- AddressVia calcesana, 19
- CodeEa-38ef14