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Jeep Renegade 1.6 Mjt 130 CV Limited Diesel

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Dati annuncio : Jeep Renegade Diesel 2022 usata, Milano
- ProposalI offer
- ContractSale
- Price€22,500.00
- Year2022
- BrandJeep
- TemplateRenegade
- Preparation1.6 mjt 130 cv limited
- SupplyDiesel
- Kilometres28440
- Displacement1598.0
- Cylinders4
- Horses130
- Kilowatt96
- Marches6
- Doors5
- Seats5
- Owners1
- ConditionUsata
- ExchangeManuale
- ColorBlu
- Color typeMetallizzato
- Interior colorNero
- Interior colorTessuto
- Cons.urbano5
- Cons.misto5.5
- Cons.extraurbano4.0
- Cons.misto4.7
- EmissionsEuro6
- Infocar code137737202109
- TypologySuv
- TypologySuv
- ProvinceMilano
- CommonMilano
- AddressVia roald amundsen, 43 - 87036 rende (cs)
- CodeEa-1cf93a