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Mercedes-Benz Classe A A 35 AMG 4Matic Benzina

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Dati annuncio : Mercedes-Benz Classe A Benzina 2023 usata
- ProposalI offer
- ContractSale
- Price€43,900.00
- Year2023
- BrandMercedes-benz
- TemplateClasse a
- PreparationA 35 amg 4matic
- SupplyBenzina
- Kilometres12300
- Displacement1991.0
- Cylinders4
- Horses306
- Kilowatt225
- Marches7
- Doors5
- Seats5
- ConditionUsata
- ExchangeAutomatico
- ColorArgento
- Color typeMetallizzato
- Interior colorNero
- Interior colorPelle e alcantara
- Cons.urbano3
- Cons.misto9.3
- Cons.extraurbano6.1
- Cons.misto7.3
- EmissionsEuro6
- Infocar code127855201810
- TypologyBerlina due volumi
- TypologyBerlina due volumi
- CodeEa-2c31fa