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Mercedes-Benz Classe C C 220 d S.W. Automatic Premium Diesel

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Dati annuncio : Mercedes-Benz Classe C Diesel 2020 usata
- ProposalI offer
- ContractSale
- Price€29,500.00
- Year2020
- BrandMercedes-benz
- TemplateClasse c
- PreparationC 220 d s.w. automatic premium
- SupplyDiesel
- Kilometres18619
- Displacement1950.0
- Cylinders4
- Horses194
- Kilowatt143
- Marches9
- Doors5
- Seats5
- ConditionUsata
- ExchangeAutomatico
- ColorNero
- Interior colorNero
- Interior colorPelle e tessuto
- Cons.urbano6
- EmissionsEuro6
- Infocar code108876201804
- TypologyStation wagon
- TypologyStation wagon
- CodeEa-f76414