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Opel Corsa Nuova Corsa 1.2 100 CV ET8 GS Benzina

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Dati annuncio : Opel Corsa Benzina 2024 usata, Prato
- ProposalI offer
- ContractSale
- Price€17,500.00
- Year2024
- BrandOpel
- TemplateCorsa
- PreparationNuova corsa 1.2 100 cv et8 gs
- SupplyBenzina
- Kilometres16341
- Displacement1199.0
- Cylinders3
- Horses101
- Kilowatt74
- Marches8
- Doors5
- Seats5
- ConditionUsata
- ExchangeAutomatico
- ColorGrigio
- Color typePastello
- Interior colorAntracite
- Interior colorTessuto
- Cons.urbano3
- Cons.misto5.1
- Cons.extraurbano3.9
- Cons.misto4.3
- EmissionsEuro6
- Infocar code139370202103
- TypologyBerlina due volumi
- TypologyBerlina due volumi
- ProvincePrato
- CommonPrato
- AddressViale guglielmo marconi 40
- CodeEa-4ff344